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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

The Doll’s house

Title : The Doll’s house
Author : Katherine Mansfield

Dear Diary,

Hi Diary? What’s new on you? Today I want to tell you that I am very happy. Do you know what make me happy? If you do not know, I will tell you them.

Do you remember about Aunt Hay who came to our house two weeks ago? This morning, I got a great present from her. First, I wondered what it was, then I began to opened it carefully. I was very surprised and happy when I knew what actually in the big package was. It was the sweetest present that I ever got. “What a perfect little doll’s house!” I cried.

It is a very wonderful doll’s house. At first, I could not open it. It was too stiff and new, but at last, when the whole house front opened, I could find the living room, dining room, the kitchen, and also the two bedrooms. It was much more exciting than I imagine before. There were pictures on the wall. Red carpet covered all the floors except the kitchen. There are also red chairs in the living room and green chairs in the dining room, tables and beds with real covers, cooker, and also shelves with tiny plates and a jug. It also have the lamp, a little yellow and white lamp, stood in the middle of the dining room. The father and mother dolls sat stiffly in the living room and their two little children asleep upstairs.

I am very happy and wonderful to get it. Tomorrow I will tell my other friends to come there also. Thanks my lovely Aunt Hay. ^_^



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