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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Return to Paradise

Title : Return to Paradise (3 pages)
Source : www.eastoftheweb.com
  • Summary

    This short story told about marriage’s life. There was a couple who live happily in their early marriage, they were James and Lisa. All of the happiness that they had at that time changed into sadness. James left Lisa for a long time when Lisa was pregnant and finally their first baby was died. Lisa hate her husband so much and wanted to get divorced with him. At the end, Lisa and James met to solve their problems and decided to rebuild their marriage.

  • Lessons for Living

    The lesson that I learned from this story was very inspiring me. The lesson of this story was all of problems that we had could be solved by a good way that was talked each other from heart to heart, like what Lisa and James did. Finally, we could know that both of them have done a good way to save their marriage. I can use this lesson in my daily life, when I have a problem with my friend, I try to solve it by talking each other with fresh mind and positive thinking. Actually this story gives me an important lesson for my future marriage, get divorce is not good way to solve the problem.


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