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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

The Story of The Alf’s live

Lesson for living from the Story of The Alf’s live.

What was the most surprising or interesting lesson that you have learned from the story? Why? How does that lesson connect to your own life?

The most surprising and interesting lesson found in the story is don’t ever live under the pressure of weakness. How do I say that?

In the story explained that Alf was pressed to return all the money to the mafia in a certain height of time. He had tried to go collecting money as much as he could but he was unable due to the time limitation. Finally, he decided to fight the mafia in order to get lost from the debt. Being helped by his friends he confronted the mafia and all his will then finally went real. He could escape from the debt and live freely. That’s why sometimes we have to struggle by not always living under control of certain person. We have right to go and we must struggle for that.

Actually, I like the lesson above because I know it is important to bring my pride to be real. I’m now trying to be as free as I can, to be the simple person who goes anywhere unlimitedly. Thus, no people press me to keep my creativity killed. I want do my best without anyone pressing.



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