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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

In Which Alviss was Drunk

Title : In Which Alviss was Drunk
Author : Faker of Innocence aka Goldenneke
Source : http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3772292/1/In_Which_Alviss_was_Drunk
  • Summary

    This is a fanfiction of MAR, an anime and manga series. Alviss, who is very calm and quiet, is forced to drink Papulla Juice. He never drinks it before, but the rest of the MAR team drink it. All members force him. They even start insulting him. Finally Alviss drinks the alcoholic juice. First, he drinks it a little. Then, he becomes addicted. Finally, he is drunk. He sits on Nanashi’s lap and acts like a child. He asks him to call him ARU-Chan. He even force him to kiss him!! Next morning Alviss forgets what he has done the night before.

  • Personal Response :

    “Lesson for Living”
    Well, although it is funny story, but there are some points that I can learn for my life. First, don’t be easily influenced with your friend. Friend’s suggestion is not always good, sometimes it even gives worse result, just like what happens to Alviss. Second, never drink alcohol!!! If you drink and then get drunk, anything bad will happen. Alviss is lucky, he only gets embarrassing moment. Imagine if you do crime, you will get worse experiences…


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