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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

But Daddy, he’s so red!

Title : But Daddy, he’s so red!
Author : Lil’ Djinn
Source : http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5381170/1/But_Daddy_he_is_so_red
  • Summary

    It is a fanfiction of of Supernatural. The timeline of this fanfiction is long before the actual series began. Mary Winchester is pregnant with her second child and she wonders about how will she and her husband tell their four-year-old child, Dean, that he will be big brother. After she delivers her baby safely, her husband, John, takes Dean into the nursery. When Dean saw his little brother for the first time, he asks his father why he is so red and can he gets a puppy instead. John just laughs and tells Dean that no, he cannot exchange his brother for a puppy.

  • Personal Response :

    This is little Dean’s diary:

    15 December 2009

    Dear diary,
    Today, mommy is back from the hospital. I miss her soooo much and happy that she is back home. Her tummy is not big anymore! Daddy takes me to that secret room that I’m not allowed to go. He said that it was for my new brother. I hope that Sammy, that’s my new brother’s name, can play with me tomorrow in the park. But, daddy said no. Sammy is too small, so he can’t play outside. And is red too! Sammy should eat spinach so that he will be big soon.
    That’s all. I’ll write to you again later.


    (PS: I think this diary is too good for four-year-old boy)


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