§ Author : Edgar Allan Poe
§ Number of Pages : 12 pages
§ Summary of content : The story is about a murder in a road in France. Monsieur Dupin is a very smart and has a great analytical ability. He and the main character investigate the murder in the Rue Morgue. The victim was a young lady named Mademoiselle Camille and her mother named Madame L’Espanaye. Madame L’Espanaye was mutilated using a razor and the corpse of the daughter was hidden in the chimney, head downward. According to Monsieur Dupin, there are no man can do this kind of action. Since it will need a lot of energy to put the corpse on the chimney, and need a very high agility to make the murderer enter the victims’ room which on a second floor and very door was locked. The only way for the murderer to get into the room is from a second floor window. And it was closed. In the end of the story, Monsieur Dupin finally find out who the murderer was. It was an Orang Utan from Kalimantan which was brought by a sailor. The Orang Utan was run away from his cage and run through the empty town in the night. That’s why no one knows the murder. And that’s why he has the strength and agility to do the action.
Comments : I like this story because it has an unpredictable ending. It also makes me interested and confused when I start to guess who the murder is.
by Amon
Actually, I am not really interested to read this kind of story because I'm afraid I cannot sleep this night...
But, by seeing the ending that is unpredictable, I think it is a good story^_^
why did the writer choose an orangutan from Kalimantan to be the murderer? poor him, hehe...
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