Title of the short story : Her Lover
Her lover is told happening in an apartment when the World War II had just finished. There are two characters playing in this story; Mr. Student and Teresa. On that plot, Mr. Student is pictured as a diligent, good-looking, and helpful and Teresa is on the other side; she is weird, introvert, physically ugly, and coarse-faced.
This story is telling about a loneliness woman called Teresa. She made an imaginary friend through a letter which is written by Mr. Student. First time, Mr. Student rejected to write a letter for Teresa since he was afraid of Teresa’s appearance, but it was just not for long time. Mr. Student wrote a letter for Teresa destined to Boston, Teresa’s faithful lover which was only an imaginary. The rest of the story, Mr. Student knew the motive, and he was upset to know that. But later the life went as usual and Mr. Student allowed Teresa to ask for writing her a letter till Teresa was caught and sent to jail for uncertain reason explained in the story.
What I dislike in the story is the rest of it that feels like weird when Teresa got caught by police for uncertain reason, that probably make me upset not to know what is going on actually. If only I were able to change the part of it, I don’t want Teresa to be jailed, but I want to change that Teresa will fall in love with Mr. Student and they get married.
The lesson I found in that queer story is please not to judge people from their outer fit, but please know them closer to get the truth. In other word, “don’t judge book from it’s cover,” said a very famous proverb. That’s all.
by Septia
It's a very interesting story for me because there are many figure of speeches that are not logic. But the figure of speeches here make this story more funny.
In the other hand, I feel pity on Teresa who actually wants a 'real' friend but she could not find except Mr. Student who actually doesn't know her well.
Yeah, I agree with Septia not to jugde book from its cover^_^
Actually,, my friend once write a letter to his lover when i was studying at junior high school..It was so fun because he do it wholeheartly..
having an imaginary boyfriend, i think my friend in high school did similar thing, and nothing good should come out of that. keeping ourselves busy with productive activities is the most effective way to cope with loneliness. yeah, hopefully, we'll never get into the same situation as Teresa's..
@amon: have you done the same thing as your friend did? he he...
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