Title : fan fiction of Card Capture Sakura
This anime is all about a young girl, Sakura Kinomoto, who discovers a magical cards in her father’s library. When she easily opens the seal, which secured the book, she finds that the book is filled with magical cards all having special power. As she picks up the windy card, a strong wind occurs sending all of the cards flying in different directions. Then, the guardian of the cards, Kero, appears. He explains to Sakura that she has to capture all of those cards or strange things will begin to happen in her world. Thus, the adventure begins. In her adventures, she is helped by Tomoya Daidoji (her closed friend), Kero (the guardian of the cards), Li Syaoran, and the other characters. She also has some rivals such as Eriol, Spinel Sun, and Ruby Moon who avoid her to retrieve the missing cards. There are many battles that is full of magical power. It is so wonderful.
I like to read this fan fiction because I like the anime television series much. The theme is about love and friendship which are familiar with teenager.
Thursday, 18 February 2010
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