Title of the Short story : Later
This story which is entitled “Later” takes place in a living room of John Carmody’s house at the Tuesday afternoon. The whole plot tells about the ignorance of regret of John Carmody but there are three more players attached, the wife of John Carmody, the daughter of john Carmody, and a street fighter. John Carmody and his wife are very busy business officer, even because of the draft of annual report they have got to finish. Their daughter is still about 7 years old and she is categorized as a good kid since she always obeys the regulation of the parent.
The story began about the 2---even 3---weeks before when Carmody ignored the request of his daughter to read a fairy tale before sleeping due to his busyness to finish the annual report from office. Because of that ignorance of him --- actually the saying of his daughter---, carmody was now in silent staring and remembering about a little queer thing, the saying which probably every kid would be saying. But this was different since his daughter must have died stacked by careless motor driver by the time after getting rejection from Carmody. And the saying of, “if you already have a time to read it, just read it loud enough, so that I can hear it, too.”
I like the story through the writer’s imagination to impress the words into something alive, I mean into something amazing. i even do not have any idea to change the particular part of story since I feel that it is so perfect that I don’t want to make any disqualification of making any new worst plot of story. Also, since I don’t have such experience and I hope I don not experience the same as John Carmody, Amin.
From the whole explanation, we can take many lesson, but the most important lesson to attention is, “don’t ever ignore something small.”
by Bhakti
Yeah... I'm interested in this story.
wow..it's a sad story..T_________T
i aggre with u that we should not ever ignore something small,,
"all the small thing,,
should care,,
should think.." -Blink 182-
your time is running out, so like Ronan Keating says " Tell that someone that you love just what you're thinking of, if tomorrow never comes..." and I would add one more important thing, "actions speak louder than words..."
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