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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

One Pound of Flesh

Title : One Pound of Flesh (13 pages)
Author : Rob Fountain
Source : www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/OnePoun
  • Summary

    The story told about a man named Barry Stickelback. He was lefthanded man and he liked to write a story; but everytime he sent his stories to the publisher, his stories was never accepted to be published. He got mad and felt sick about his life. Then he decided to cut his left arm and wanted to write with his right hand. Finally, after he cut his left arm, he wrote an article about himself and sent it to the editor of a newspaper. That was the first time his worked published.

    Letter writing to my friend :
    Dear My Lovely Friend,
    How are you? I am doing fine here. I would like to tell you about my newest news. You know, finally I made my article published! You must be surprised. Well, after for very long time, I did it! But, I had to cut my left hand before I could make it. Just relax, I know it sounds strange and maybe painful, but believe me, I am better than my left arm. So, do not you want to see my new look? :))

    Barry Stickelback

  • Personal Response :

    I can not imagine if the story becomes real. It is very strange! Oh My God … someone should not cut his arm just because he wants to publish his work. Something that I could learn from the story is how to be more patient to face my problems in life.


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