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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

The Mill on the Floss

Title : The Mill on the Floss
Author : George Eliot
Page : 36
  • Personal response in form Diary writing

    Dear Diary,

    First, let me introduce myself. My name is Maggie and I have an older brother named Tom. To say the truth, there is a man named Philip who falls in love with me. He is a very kind guy and he always convinces me that he will always love and trust me. However, my heart is not for this guy. I already fall in love with another guy and sadly, I know that this love is wrong.

    Diary, this guy whom I fall in love with is Stephen, he is Lucy’s boyfriend. Lucy is my cousin as well as my very best friend. How can I betray and hurt her by loving her boyfriend? Whereas, she already does many good things to me. I have no right to hurt her but it is too hard to control my feeling. In one hand, Philip always waits for my love but it already runs to Stephen.

    It’s getting worse when I realize that Stephen also loves me. We are really involved in a kind of forbidden love. I know if I continue this feeling, I will hurt Philip but the worst is that I will hurt Lucy. It really doesn’t a good behaviour to do. I am confused what I should do. I want to be with Philip but I have a special feeling toward him and also Tom hates him so much because Philip is the son of person who takes over Tom’s family’s Mill. It is really a trouble for me and I don’t know what I should do.

    Diary, what I should do? My affair with Stephen is getting more and more complicated. Stephen doesn’t want to leave me and he even emphasizes that there’s only me, not Lucy. One thing I’m sure that I have to do is I have to control my feeling in order to avoid hurting Philip and also my best cousin, Lucy.


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