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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

In The Spring

Title : In The Spring
Author : Guy De Maupassant
  • What was the most surprising or interesting lesson that you learned from the story? Why?

    Of course all people in this world must have fallen in love with someone, we as well. But the case is not how deep our loves for someone that we love. The case is how we can manage our love feeling as well as possible because a very strong love that is not managed well will become a disaster. It is just same to the man’s story in “In the Spring” who directly married a woman who he loved in a very short time. Actually he just been blinded by the woman’s beauty and I think his love is not real love, but just a passion. And finally several months after marrying, he just realized that his wife was not the same as a woman who had been by him before. And the man just regreted and regreted.

  • How does that lesson connect to your own life?

    Actually, the lesson of the story is not really connected to our own life, but it is so suitable with my case when I was falling in love for the first time. I really thanked full for my close friends who had given me some suggestions just like the man in the story who advised the author. But actually it is not really the same. If in the story the author’s friend had had a bad experience about his love story, my friend did not have the similar one. But the main point here is we have to manage our love to avoid any disaster in love story just like “In The Spring”.


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